Asset Health delivers results-focused, fully integrated, end-to-end wellness services and technologies that power the health of the whole person, in cultures of wellbeing. We are a health and wellness organization dedicated to employee engagement and responsibility, improved individual health and wellbeing, productivity and business value creation.
Empowered Project Goals
The old state of our website and client sites were very difficult for our users to navigate. My goal was to add creativity, bring consistency, and change the overall look and add new functionality.​​​​​​​
Design Style Guide
Our design systems key elements across multiple devices include:
Typography: Pt Sans is our main font, its classic and easy to read. It offers variation and style with 4 different font weights.
Comprehensive Design Systems (Title tag and Image Overlay tiles): Our design system extends across mobile apps, desktop, and iPads, ensuring consistency in every tile component. 
Call To Actions (CTAs): White to black linear gradient for text clarity.
Buttons: Rounded corners with a hover and different states for cancelled, disabled, and in use.
Final Design and Main Features
Login: Upon launching the website, users are required to sign in and are welcomed with an overview of the users wellness program.
Homepage & Incentive Tile : Users will complete their incentives and they will earn points or dollars. 
My Health: Users health and other scores as well as biometrics are displayed here.
Four Pillars of Wellbeing: Physical, Financial, Emotional, and Social wellbeing pages dedicated to helping users achieve their goals.
Virtual Course
Asset Health offers virtual courses as part of a users wellbeing program. Each course has a different theme. My goal was to design a 3D course that would accurately represent a garden that users would have. I took into account all aspects of our users and created three different gardens.
Users are able to virtually walk along the rocky path and at each stop are able to watch videos, get information about various gardening practices, reasonings, tips, tools, and tricks.
Final Designs 

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